But perhaps some experienced teacher, who knows from his own repeated difficulties with bad boys, what sort of spirits the teacher of district schools has sometimes to deal with, may ask, as he reads this, Do you expect that such a method as this, will succeed in keeping your school in order? Why, there are boys in almost every school, whom you would no more coax into obedience and order in this way, than you would persuade the northeast wind to change its course by reasoning.It was however thought, that if the subject was properly presented to the students, they would take an interest in preserving jamaican booty movies the property from injury.By his malicious activity, he had stimulated this quarrel to a high pitch, and was very obnoxious to the boys of the other party.In one of the colleges of New England, a new and beautiful edifice jamaican booty movies was erected.Should you like to adopt the plan? If the boys should appear not much interested in the proposal, the teacher might, at his own discretion, waive it.I shall give jamaican booty movies you all an opportunity to examine your desks presently.James is by the same sagacious device, concealing a whisper, which he is addressing to his next neighbor, and Moses is seeking amusement by crowding and elbowing the little boy who is unluckily standing next him.By this means, you soon remember where every thing belongs, and you can put away your things much more easily every night, than if you had every night to arrange them in a new jamaican booty movies way.The principles of duty cannot be inculcated by fear and though pain and terror must, in many instances, be called in to coerce an individual offender, whom milder measures will not reach, yet these agents, and others like them, can never be successfully employed, as the ordinary motives to action.Now this, unless there jamaican booty movies is great caution, will often be the case.I mean the order of the desks.It is far better to allure them, by showing them jamaican booty movies the pleasures of doing right.Great caution is however, in such a case, necessary, to guard against the danger, that the teacher, in attempting to avoid the tones of irritation and anger, should so speak of the sin, as to blunt their sense of its guilt, and lull their consciences into a slumber.Another teacher looks calmly at the scene, and says to himself, What shall I do to remove effectually these evils? If I can but interest the boys in reform, it jamaican booty movies will be far more easy to effect it, than if I attempt to accomplish it by the mere exercise of my authority.At any rate, the number of dishonest boys in this school, cannot be so large as materially to affect the result.