This was very adroitly done, as it did not interfere with the vassals of the rural nobles on their estates and these burghers were freed men, over whom the nobles could claim no authority.With such an alternative he was not a man long to delay barnes and noble university bookstores his decision.The banners of the majestic host fluttered in the breeze, and musical bands filled the air with their triumphal strains as the regal diadem was placed upon the brow of Botskoi, and he was proclaimed King of Hungary.They were, however, inspired with no enthusiasm for his barnes and noble university bookstores person, and it was quite doubtful whether they would fight.The Catholic church received the doctrine, so called, of transubstantiation that is, the bread and wine, used in the Lord's Supper, is converted into the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ, that it is no longer bread and wine, but real flesh and blood and none the less so, because it does not appear such to our senses.He appointed a rendezvous for his troops at Znaim in Moravia, barnes and noble university bookstores and while Rhodolph was timidly secluding himself in his palace at Prague, Matthias left Vienna with ten thousand men, and marched to meet them.He was received by the troops assembled at Znaim with enthusiasm.The Hungarians flocked in crowds to his barnes and noble university bookstores standard.From that time Rhodolph made a change, and intrusted him with high offices.As a punishment, he banished several Protestant ministers, and utterly forbade the exercise of any Protestant worship whatever, in any of barnes and noble university bookstores the royal towns, including Vienna itself.