One side of the net is taken up on the schooner's deck, and there clamped firmly, the fish thus lying in the bunt, or pocket between the schooners, and the two boats which lie off eight or ten feet, rising and falling with the sea.For was it not on the Banks and in a fog that the blow was struck which sent La Bourgogne to the bottom with more than four hundred souls? Ordinarily there is but short shrift for the helpless folks on a fishing vessel when struck by a central pacific bank honolulu liner.The census figures of 1890 the latest complete figures on occupations and earnings give the total value of American fisheries as $44,500,000 the number of men employed in them, 132,000, and the average earnings $337 a man.By long central pacific bank honolulu practise the men become exceedingly expert in the work, and rivalry among the gangs keeps the pace of all up to the highest possible point.Three years' heart trying work were necessary before the first cut stone could be laid upon the rock.Doubtless the bravest deed has no place in history, for it must have been the act of central pacific bank honolulu some unknown man committed with none to observe and recount the deed.The wives of the fishers wait on shore With faces full of fright, And the waves roll in with deafening din Through the tempestuous night The boats of the fishers meet the wind Cast up by a scornful sea But the fishermen come not again, Though the wives watch ceaselessly.While running across, I take the first good look at central pacific bank honolulu the state of affairs in general.After the schooner had sailed on a straight course a few hundred yards, the captain cast off the second dory, then along a little farther the third one, and so on till the five boats were all setting gear in parallel lines to each other.A score of other boats in a radius of half a mile or so, will be in like central pacific bank honolulu case, so there is always danger of collision.Going on deck, I perceive that both wind and sea have 'got up' since we retired to rest.Such a one braved, beside the ordinary dangers of the deep, the uncouth and mythical terrors with which central pacific bank honolulu world wide ignorance and superstition had invested it.Jackets, caps, and even over shirts, are thrown off, to give more freedom to the limbs that are worked to their utmost.While the masons ashore worked at the tower, the men at the reef watched their chance, and the moment a square yard central pacific bank honolulu of ledge was out of water at the fall of the tide, they would leap from their boats, and begin cutting it.I.