Otherwise the theory of Evolution will remain imperfect, incomplete and purposeless.Parents dr weird quotes know nothing about his future.One may read very slowly, and another very fast but whether we read slowly or rapidly each one of us is bound to read the whole book of nature and attain to perfection sooner or later.When the individual soul begins to study its spiritual nature, its dr weird quotes lower or animal nature is gradually eclipsed.Some say that they had a belief in a sheol or pit where departed souls remained after death, but were never resurrected.They denied the existence of angels and spirits, the resurrection of dr weird quotes the dead, and reward and punishment after death.But the moment that any individual, after passing through all the stages of the spiritual nature, reaches the ultimate point of perfection, he realizes his true nature which is immortal and divine.If resurrection be one of those laws, then it must have existed before the birth of Jesus as such, how could He be the first born from the dead, as described dr weird quotes by Paul.This center is called in Sanskrit Skshma Sarra or the subtle body of an individual.It is dr weird quotes doubtful whether they had any clear conception of the existence of soul after the dissolution of the human body.A religionist will explain the cause of their sudden change, by saying that the grace of the Almighty has fallen upon them and transformed their whole nature.