The cessions of 1854, negotiated by George W.The reputed treason of the southern tribes was made the most of.Secretary Smith was not very well satisfied with the Stettaner automotive paint polishing bids.The Pottawatomies but the Creeks were letting their treaty hang fire.The demoralized enemy had fallen back to Little Rock, with the automotive paint polishing exception of weak nomadic forces that, like Stygian ghosts, wandered up and down the Arkansas from Dardanelle to Fort Smith.At this time, 1863, Superintendent Branch, against whom charges of gambling, drunkenness, licentiousness, and misuse of annuity funds had been preferred by Agent Ross , was endeavoring to persuade Father De Smet to establish a Roman Catholic Mission on their Reserve.Behind Pomeroy's suggestion was the spirit of retaliation, of meting out punishment to the Indians, who, because they had been so basely automotive paint polishing deserted by the United States government, had gone over to the Confederacy but the Kansas politicians saw a chance to kill two birds with one stone, vindictively punish the southern Indians for their defection and rid Kansas of the northern Indians, both emigrant and indigenous.and M.Abbott to Dole, April 6, 1863, Ibid.