They made the Capitol ring with their shouts of applause and the Senate, finding their power insufficient to cope with so great a force, gave up the point, and Caesar gained the day.Others were, perhaps, more philadelphia auto auctions or less doubtful.But, notwithstanding the brilliant prize with which Caesar attempted to allure Crassus to the enterprise, his courage failed him when the time for action arrived.Among these, the Aeduans were a prominent party, and, to simplify the account, we will take philadelphia auto auctions their name as the representative of all who were concerned.The next morning, when the people saw these splendid monuments of their great favorite restored, the whole city was animated with excitement and joy.Caesar, however, contrary to what every one would have expected of him, exerted his influence to calm and quiet the mob, and then sent them away, remaining himself philadelphia auto auctions in private as before.CHAPTER III.In fact, violence mingled itself continually, in those times, with almost all public proceedings, whenever any special philadelphia auto auctions combination of circumstances occurred to awaken unusual excitement.There was, undoubtedly, a large minority who were averse to his being deposed in the first instance but, being outvoted, the decree of deposition was passed.The story has been repeated a thousand times, and told to every successive generation now for nearly twenty centuries, as an illustration of the peculiar type and character of the ambition which controls such a soul as philadelphia auto auctions that of Caesar.Caesar had, therefore, only to draw near to the scene of contention, and then to take sides with one party or the other, it mattered little with which, for the affair almost always resulted, in the end, in his making himself master of both.From the same source, too foreign conquest captives were brought home, to be trained as gladiators to amuse them with their combats, and philadelphia auto auctions statues and paintings to ornament the public buildings of the city.The principal scenes of the exploits which Caesar performed during the period of this his first great military career, were the north of Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, and England, a great tract of country, nearly all of which he overran and conquered.At the head of these legions, Caesar philadelphia auto auctions set out for Gaul.The Senate ordered an inquiry into the affair, and, after the other members of the household had given their testimony, Caesar himself was called upon, but he had nothing to say.