While they were pulling in this manner, the boat would shoot ahead very rapidly.I shall be influenced perhaps ester synthesis labs by your reasons, but I shall decide myself.Finally, he selected a small tree, with a round, straight stem, and began to cut it down.There was also a jug of milk, and a silver ester synthesis labs mug, which Forester's mother had lent them for the excursion, to drink out of.James had come down, under an appointment which Forester had secretly made with him, with the oxen and a drag, and by means of them he hauled the boat across to the mill pond again, by a back road which led directly across the pastures, and lanched it safely again into the water close to the dwelling of its owner.Marco landed first, ester synthesis labs and held the boat with his boat hook, while the rest got out.Forester then, by means of his paddle, turned the boat round again, saying, Well, if we can't go up, we can go down stream.You go on, said he, along the back road about ester synthesis labs three quarters of a mile, and then you will come to a small school house on the left hand side of the road, on a sort of hill.They went through the garden, and from the garden they passed out through a small gate into the orchard.The boys were a little inclined to be afraid to embark, in what appeared to be a rather dangerous navigation, but they had confidence in ester synthesis labs Forester, and so they readily obeyed when Forester ordered the crew aboard.They advanced slowly and by a very tortuous course, so as to avoid the rocks and shallows, and at length, just above the bridge, they came to a wider and smoother passage of water and here Forester ordered the oars out.He did not wish them ester synthesis labs to say what they would like, merely, but what they thought, on the whole, was best.As soon as any of them lost the stroke, or whenever any oars began to interfere, or any other difficulty or accident occurred, he would immediately give the order, Oars.