Why cannot experiments be performed upon the pressure of air, as conveniently as upon the pressure of water? How did Rollo's father contrive to remove a part of the air from the china closet? Where did they expect that the air would be forced into the closet? How were they to make this effect visible? Did the experiment succeed? Suppose the key hole had been stopped up where would the air have been forced in? Suppose all the crevices had been closed.I wish we could fly, said Nathan, for it is very pleasant up free hardcore mobile porn video in the air.The philosophers have calculated in some way or other, though I don't exactly know how.Then the air would free hardcore mobile porn video be twice as dense as it was before that is, there would be twice as much of it in the same space as there was before.The expanded air from a fire goes up chimney.How? said Nathan I don't exactly free hardcore mobile porn video understand you.James, you think Nathan is mistaken about the size of a balloon, do you? Yes, I know he is, said James.But what was it for? Why, the man thought, as hot air is lighter than cool air, and floats up, that perhaps, if he could fill his paper ball with hot air, it free hardcore mobile porn video would go up too.Yes, said Nathan, and that men can get into it, and go up in the air.How should you free hardcore mobile porn video like a little advice? Well, father, a little advice just which you please.What made it? said his father.Once there was a man, and he was free hardcore mobile porn video a philosopher.Well, replied Jonas, you were both wrong.Compressible things, said his free hardcore mobile porn video father, are those that can be compressed, that is, pressed together, so as to take up less room than they did before.