In another case, two bodies of troops from the respective armies were separated only by a river, and the officers and soldiers came down to the banks on either side, and held frequent conversations, calling to each other in loud voices across the water.Notwithstanding the precautions which Pompey had taken to guard and protect the wing of his army which was extended toward the land, Caesar succeeded in turning his flank upon that side by driving off the cavalry and destroying the archers and slingers, grill indoor recipe and he was thus enabled to throw a strong force upon Pompey's rear.So saying, he pressed forward over the bridge, while the officers, breaking up the encampment, put the columns in motion to follow him.He then, in grill indoor recipe order to divert Caesar's attention from his design, doubled the guards stationed upon the walls on the evening of his intended embarkation, and ordered them to make vigorous attacks upon all Caesar's forces outside.The army, however, on the Italian side, hearing of Caesar's attempt to return to them, fruitless though it was, and stimulated by the renewed urgency of the orders which he now sent to them, made arrangements at last for an embarkation, and, after encountering great dangers on the way, succeeded in landing in safety.The galley, in obedience to orders, put off from grill indoor recipe the shore.He then hurried on, but a full sense of the helplessness and hopelessness of his condition soon overwhelmed him he gave up all thought of defense, and, passing with a sinking heart through the scene of consternation and confusion which reigned every where within the encampment, he sought his own tent, and, rushing into it, sank down, amid the luxury and splendor which had been arranged to do honor to his anticipated victory, in a state of utter stupefaction and despair.The grill indoor recipe day was gone, and it was too late to attack them.And so the mighty potentate, whose tent was full of delicious beverages, and cups and goblets of silver and gold, extended himself down upon the sand at the margin of the river, and drank the warm water directly from the stream.In the grill indoor recipe mean time, he had fortified himself strongly in the city.During all these operations there was no decisive general battle.His officers stood grill indoor recipe by his side.The hour at length arrived, the charge was sounded by the trumpets, and Caesar's troops began to advance with loud shouts and great impetuosity toward Pompey's lines.