CHAPTER V.Boat ahoy! he film download site challenged.Fortunately, a second action during the same month set them in a better light before the people of the country.For a moment his men wavered at their guns but he called manfully to them, from where film download site he lay, to fight on boldly for the honor of the Yankee Hero.Her attack, though sharp and plucky, was injudicious for two of the Englishman's heavy broadsides were enough to send her out of the battle for repairs.When film download site he came to himself, he saw the cabin filled with grievously wounded people, bleeding and suffering for lack of surgical aid.These he took to Watertown, where the Massachusetts Legislature was then in session.Washington wrote film download site to Congress, I am in very great want of powder, lead, mortars, and, indeed, most sorts of military stores.It would seem that only the most careless seamanship on the part of the Americans could have enabled a twenty gun vessel to escape from four vessels, each one of which was singly almost a match for her.It is evident that the Continental Congress took the film download site same view of the matter, for Hopkins was soon after dismissed from the service.The sagacious general, knowing that the British forces in Boston were supplied with provisions and munitions of war by sea, conceived the idea of fitting out some swift sailing cruisers to intercept the enemy's cruisers, and cut off their supplies.Besides capturing two transports loaded with British soldiers, she took so many merchantmen, that on one cruise she brought back to port only five of her original film download site crew, the rest having all been put aboard prizes.Yet the little American vessel had held her own for two hours, and by good gunnery and skilful manoeuvring had succeeded in doing almost as much damage as she had suffered.We want none of your aid, cried Mugford with film download site an oath.