There was a friendly tribe of Indians in the vicinity, in which there was a young warrior whose chivalric spirit had won the confidence and regard of Carson.He was then a partner in the firm of Bent and Vrain, merchants cape st claire of renown in the fur trade.He had the title of Captain, having been formerly an officer in the United States army.Carson was cape st claire more than usually elated by his success.Traders were there from various parts of the States, ready to purchase his supply at the highest prices.The other and much longer route, was to follow down the small stream upon cape st claire whose banks they were encamped, for several miles, until they reached its entrance into the larger river.Robidoux, knowing Kit Carson's reputation for sagacity and courage, immediately applied to him to pursue the Indian.His popularity as a man and his reputation as a trapper were cape st claire such that every man in the party was ready to join him.Again it seemed that a dreadful death was inevitable.Mr cape st claire.The other then made the attempt to climb the tree, and encountered the same fate.On the Laramie and its tributaries, Carson and his companions continued trapping through the whole cape st claire summer.These he was to load with packs, containing such goods as he thought would be the most eagerly sought for by the trappers.Other cape st claire trapping parties had just preceded them, and emptied all the streams of their furs.Suitable precaution would enable them every night to obtain the shelter of some one of these groves.