Here all the members of the royal family were present, having been assembled for the occasion.At the time, however, when Henrietta Maria crossed it, the waters for once american argument influence medias paper were calm.was never vested in the people at large.He, however, began to get together his forces, and to american argument influence medias paper make preparations to march into England.It is said that the plan of this marriage originated with Queen Henrietta Maria, and that a prominent motive with her in promoting the measure was her desire to secure for Charles a Catholic wife.Lambert american argument influence medias paper stationed guards in the streets leading to the Parliament House one day when the members were about to assemble, and turned the members all back as they came.It would delay him on his voyage, and lead to many inconveniences.He likewise offered to convey american argument influence medias paper to the English nation the right of trading with the great South American country of Brazil, which then pertained to the Portuguese crown.He dissolved Parliament, and expelled the members from their seats.Charles conducted his mother to american argument influence medias paper the castle.Charles said he would think of it.The king accompanied american argument influence medias paper her to Portsmouth, where she set sail, taking the little princess Henrietta with her, and went back to France.It is true that many individuals of very low rank rose to positions of great power but they represented only a party, and the power they wielded was monarchical power usurped, not Republican power fairly conferred upon them.After his restoration, however, all this was american argument influence medias paper changed.Immediately afterward, the Catholic priest, thinking that fidelity to his own religious faith required him to act decidedly, repeated the service in the Catholic form, ending with making the sign of the cross in a very conspicuous manner over the table.