Jonas wished that he was going to have a cup of the coffee that they were making but he thought it better that he should content himself with what the farmer had provided for him.He stood near one end of a wood pile, with his fore feet upon a log, by which his head and shoulders were raised, so that costa rica restaurant menu he could see better who was coming.Yes, replied Josey.It's a hard case, Franco, but you and I must costa rica restaurant menu both submit to orders.Well, said the little girl, I will.The street was vacant, and the houses dark, excepting costa rica restaurant menu that a faint light shone behind a curtain in one chamber window.The vehicle on which he carried it was a kind of box upon runners, with a pole in front, to which two horses were fastened.Presently the moon shone out full through costa rica restaurant menu the interstices of the clouds.So they would get along peaceably.Jonas costa rica restaurant menu looked it over very carefully, and then said, You have done very well indeed, with such a hard sum.Why, Franco, said Jonas, how came you here? Franco said nothing, but stood looking up into Jonas's face, and wagging his tail.He staid about there with the costa rica restaurant menu boys until the sleds were loaded, and then he went down home with them.They trotted down the hills and along the level portions of the road, and wheeled around the curves, with great speed.He remained in the sleigh, however, at the tavern, keeping guard, while Jonas went into the house and he would growl a little if any body came near the sleigh, and costa rica restaurant menu thus warn them not to touch any thing that was in it.It was a raw, windy night, but not very cold.