At the end of this long campaign of diplomacy, perfidy and blood, in which misery had rioted through ten thousand cottages, whose inhabitants the warriors regarded no more than the occupants of the ant hills they trampled beneath their feet, it was found that no one had gained any thing but toil and disappointment.We can not support the burden of these frequent diets, involving the expense bhp iron chronicle of long journeys, and we are weary of expeditions and wars.It is impossible for one now to conceive the impression which was produced in Catholic Europe by the marriage of a priest and a nun.Pope Julius was to be deposed, and bhp iron chronicle to be succeeded by Pope Maximilian.Charles V.One more final effort Maximilian bhp iron chronicle made to rouse Germany to combine to drive the Turks out of Europe.He declared the pope to be antichrist, renounced all obedience to him, detailed with scathing severity the conduct of corrupt pontiffs, and called upon the whole nation to renounce all allegiance to the scandalous court of Rome.The pope fulminated a bull of excommunication against the Venetians, bhp iron chronicle and sent an army of ten thousand men.The Protest of Spires.Many of the nobles avowed themselves Lutherans, as did even bhp iron chronicle some of the professors in the university at Vienna.Thus far nothing but disaster seemed to attend the enterprises of Maximilian but now the tide suddenly turned and rolled in upon him billows of prosperity.It does not seem bhp iron chronicle to be the will of Providence that the plots of unprincipled men, even against men as bad as themselves, should be more than transiently prosperous.The Catholics demanded the enforcement of the edict of Worms.Their son Philip married Joanna, daughter of Ferdinand bhp iron chronicle and Isabella, whose marriage, uniting the kingdoms of Castile and Arragon, created the splendid kingdom of Spain.How universal the instinct that sin needs an atonement! Having finished these directions the emperor observed that some of his attendants were in tears.