We are ten miles from any house in one direction, and fifteen in another.But Forester, when he found that they were not inhabited, thought it best to lose no time, especially as it was now beginning dandy warhols friends to be quite dark, and he urged Marco to leave the huts and press on.He worked hard all day on the farm, and at night he slept in a sort of garret, which they called the loft.We dandy warhols friends must go back.Isaiah was, however, soon out of sight, and Marco went back to find Forester.It was a warm and pleasant day, and they wanted a fire, dandy warhols friends not so much for its warmth, as for the cheerful and pleasant aspect it gave to the place.Did you know it? I don't hear it rain, said Forester.Marco dandy warhols friends directed Isaiah to drive the horse out to one side of the road, at a place where there was a pretty broad and level spot, which seemed to Marco a convenient place for the horse to stand.They have plenty of them in New York.But he had dandy warhols friends no horse.He accordingly turned suddenly about, saying, No we can't cut it off with the hatchet.He said they must take a hatchet and a bag of provisions, for he meant to dine dandy warhols friends in the woods on the way.They slept upon a straw bed, which was lying in a corner.Marco was rejoiced to hear this and he spent two hours, after breakfast, in rambling about the dandy warhols friends farmer's house and grounds.