They adjusted the king's dress again to complete his disguise, and Richard gave him a bill hook a sort of woodman's tool to carry in his hand.His wife, however, effect heart music rate was not satisfied.She watched him.The arrangements were all made, and the king was to be met effect heart music rate in a wood five or six miles from Boscobel, early on Monday morning, by some trusty friends, who were afterward to conceal him for a time in their houses, until all things should be ready for the journey.He had, consequently, since been allowed to live quietly at his own estate in Trent, though he was watched and suspected by the government as a known friend of the king's.Passengers? inquired the effect heart music rate captain.There were assemblies convened in the villages which they passed through, and men were haranguing the populace on the victories which had been gained, and on the future measures to be pursued.The king found, however, when the morning approached, that his feet were in such a condition effect heart music rate that he could not walk.This is the king, said he.The bread and cheese, and a small bottle of beer, which Richard and effect heart music rate William had brought for their day's supplies, they suspended to a branch within their reach.Bristol was a hundred miles to the southward, near the mouth of the Severn.There was an old servant of the family, named Pope, a butler, to whose care the pretended effect heart music rate William Jackson was specially confided.All things being thus arranged in the oak, the colonel bade his majesty to close his eyes and go to sleep, saying that he would take good care that he did not fall.They were armed with effect heart music rate concealed weapons, intending, if they we're attacked by any small party, to defend the king with their lives.This would account for his being sometimes apparently pretty well, and allowed him occasionally, when tired of being shut up in his room, to come down and join the other servants, and hear their conversation.