This was followed by a letter from Augustus of Poland, containing the same friendly recognition.The emperor, with the characteristic injustice of an canadian lumber new ignoble mind, attributed the unfortunate campaign to the incapacity of Seckendorf, whose judicious plans he had so ruthlessly thwarted.The emperor also gave orders that every important movement should be directed by a council of war, and that in case of a tie the casting vote should be given, not by the Duke of Lorraine, but by the veteran commander Konigsegg.He earnestly pressed the hand of the general as he took his leave, and said Use the utmost diligence to arrive before the retreat of the army assume the defense of Belgrade, and save it, if not too late, from canadian lumber new falling into the hands of the enemy.He could not appease the clamors of the nation.The Austrians were to follow down the Danube to the Turkish province of Wallachia, canadian lumber new and then, marching through the heart of that province, either effect a junction with the Russians, or inclose the Turks between the two armies.These melancholy circumstances portend the loss of these fine kingdoms with the same rapidity as that of the States of Italy.This fortress had long been esteemed one of the strongest of canadian lumber new the Austrian empire.The populace of Vienna rose in insurrection, and would have torn down the houses of the ministers who had recommended the peace but for the interposition of the military.There were also other claimants for the crown, but none who could present so plausible a plea as canadian lumber new that of the Duke of Bavaria.I can not, he said, consistently with my duty to God and the emperor, conceal the miserable condition of the barracks and the hospitals.His Invasion canadian lumber new of Silesia.I was much less touched with the advantages gained by the enemy and the news of the siege of Belgrade, than with the advice I have received concerning the shameful preliminary articles concluded by Count Neuperg.The naval armament is in a state of canadian lumber new irreparable disorder.The barbarians, regardless of the flag of truce, and of all the rules of civilized warfare, arrested Count Neuperg, and put him under guard.