Rollo and his father walked into the yard, and went up to the end door, a large pig running away with a grunt when they came up.When they got into the room where his father was, they came and stood by his side a minute, waiting for heavenly ham menu him to be ready to speak to them.Rollo went to work, very patiently, for the first day, and persevered an hour in digging up his ground.Yes, that is heavenly ham menu better.Tally, said Rollo, what is tally? Tally is the reckoning.They then went out into the yard and presently James saw him over beyond the fence, heavenly ham menu walking along the lane.If you are going to make play of it, I must give you ground in a back corner, where the irregularity, and the weeds, will be out of sight.If one board is not long enough, you heavenly ham menu must go and get two.The bull uttered a sort of low growl or roar, as Rollo and his father passed, which made him a little afraid but his attention was soon attracted to some hens, a little farther along, which were standing on the edge of the scaffolding over his head, and cackling with noise enough to fill the whole barn.When they came up a second time with their wheelbarrows before them, he asked how they had got along with their heavenly ham menu work.Are you sure it is your own? Why, yes, sir, said Rollo, taking off his hat and looking at it, and wondering what his father could mean.That afternoon he went out into the garden to consider heavenly ham menu what he should do, and he found his father there, staking out some ground.