This occurred in February, 1799.A cry went up from his enemies, that it was an intentional insult to the country but his friends, with justice, pleaded that the flag had been wet, and a sailor, running it up to dry, had hi res album art thus carelessly inverted it.The first open rupture took place at Savannah.Unluckily, they proved to be hostile French cruisers and, hi res album art when the discovery was made, the Retaliation was well within range.Bainbridge was taken aboard the French frigate Volontaire, which then continued her course in the wake of her consort, the Insurgente.But the two warring nations had learned neither hi res album art wisdom nor justice, and began again their depredations upon the unoffending Americans.A complete collection of these remarkable efforts of poetic art would form an amusing volume, and from it alone a history of political movements in the United States might be written.The captured ship was taken into the United States navy, hi res album art under the name of the Retaliation, and sent, under command of Lieut.The news of this achievement, lawless as it was, evoked great enthusiasm in the United States.They came ashore in troops instead of hi res album art singly.The sun had hardly risen, when anxious spectators began to seize upon the best points of observation about the ship yard.Only the day before, he said, his ship had been boarded by boats' crews from a French hi res album art privateer of twenty guns.