The rest, twenty three in number, were cut off by the savages.' He was then led anew before the director general, beach house linen who ordered him to work, otherwise he should be whipt every day.The inhabitants were prepared for the not unexpected emergency.For three days these merciless beach house linen Indians had free range, with scarcely any opposition.Inhumanly he shot her dead.The beach house linen scattered settlements there numbered about ninety souls.A church was to be organized so soon as there were two hundred inhabitants in the colony.The town beach house linen itself was punished by the prohibition in future of all town meetings, without the permission of the governor.This remonstrance was carried to New Amsterdam by Tobias Feake, and presented to the governor.The Company wrote to Stuyvesant saying, The confidence we feel about the success and increase of this beach house linen new colony of which we hope to see some prominent features next spring, when to all appearance, large numbers of the exiled Waldenses will flock thither, as to an asylum, induces us to send you orders to endeavor to purchase of the Indians, before it can be accomplished by any other nation, all that tract of land situated between the South river and the Hook of the North river, to provide establishments for these emigrants.The governor ordered a redoubt to be built at Esopus, sent an additional supply of ammunition, and taking fifty soldiers with him, went up the river to ascertain, by a personal investigation, the wants of the people.