But if the poet too freely admitted strange and ugly words, he added many of considerable force and beauty.Such phrases as to hawk it as a hawk upon a design monica santa site web sparrow are at least bold and effective.S.In design monica santa site web the very heart of the Gaonate, the eighth century witnessed a religious and literary reaction against Rabbinism.It is written in a series of rhymed alphabetical acrostics.The Spanish style prevailed in Castile, Andalusia, Catalonia, Aragon, Majorca, Provence, and in design monica santa site web countries where Arabic influence was strongest.II, p.At his worst, Kalir is very bad indeed his style is then a design monica santa site web jumble of words, his meaning obscure and even unintelligible.Hebrew fables supply one of the links connecting the popular literature of the East with that of the West.The Gaonim never waste a design monica santa site web word.Of the remaining Karaites of the tenth century, the foremost was Japhet, the son of Ali, whose commentaries on the Bible represent the highest achievements of Karaism.Hail, Rabbi, spoke the stranger passing by, But Simeon thus, discourteous, made reply Say, are there in thy city many more, Like unto thee, an insult to the eye? Nay, that I cannot tell, the wand'rer said, But if thou wouldst ply the scorner's trade, Go first and ask the Master Potter why He has a vessel so misshapen made? Then (so the legend tells) the Rabbi knew That he had sinned, and prone himself he threw Before design monica santa site web the other's feet, and prayed of him Pardon for the words that now his soul did rue.They are rarely over bearing in manner, but mostly use a tone which is persuasive rather than disciplinary.Kalir was the design monica santa site web most popular writer of the earlier type of new Hebrew poetry, but he was not its creator.Q.