They were prepared, they said, to go without grog, should the supply of rum be unhappily exhausted but so long as any of the precious fluid remained, their rations of grog should not be curtailed.Midshipmen twelve or fourteen years old found themselves acuvibe soft touch in command of ships.The safety of his ship, and the health of his men, were ever in his thoughts and accordingly, when the Essex rounded into the Pacific Ocean, both men and ship were in condition to give their best service to the enterprise in which they were embarked.There were no acuvibe soft touch naval stations or outposts belonging to the United States, into which he could put for protection or repairs for then, as now, the nation ignored the necessity of such supply stations.With these people Porter treated first, and made his appearance in their village in great state, being accompanied by the band, the marines, and several boats' crews of jackies.And, indeed, acuvibe soft touch it was time that the Americans showed that they were not to be insulted with impunity.That man was ever after Porter's most able ally among the natives.This was an important event in my life and, when it was decided that I was to take the acuvibe soft touch ship to Valparaiso, I felt no little pride at finding myself in command at twelve years of age.Capt.WAR WITH acuvibe soft touch THE SAVAGES.THE ESSEX ANCHORS AT VALPARAISO ARRIVAL OF THE PHOEBE AND CHERUB.