Their plan was to get the crew drunk, by means of drugged rum, and then rise, seize the vessel, and make off while the American forces were absent on the Typee expedition.The Americans were cowards, white anderson boot camp death martin lizards, and mere dirt.David Farragut was one of the boys thus suddenly promoted, and in his journal has left a description of his experience as a boy commander.From the captains of these craft, Porter learned that the Peruvians were sending out privateers to prey upon American commerce, and that much anderson boot camp death martin damage had already been done by these marauders, who were no more than pirates, since no war existed between Peru and the United States.Go off Cape Frio to the northward of Rio, and keep a lookout for me.The Americans entered into the celebrations and festivities of the islanders, watched their dances, joined their fishing expeditions, and soon were on the friendliest footing anderson boot camp death martin with their dusky hosts.A second white man, who then put in an appearance, naked and tattooed like an Indian, proved to be an Englishman who had been on the island for years, and who, by his knowledge of the language and character of the natives, proved of great assistance to the Americans, during the long stay upon which Capt.The reply anderson boot camp death martin of the natives is an amusing example of the ignorant vainglory of savage tribes, unacquainted with the power of civilized peoples.The rats with which the Essex was infested were smoked out, an operation that necessitated the division of the crew between the shore and the other vessels.The anderson boot camp death martin Essex remained several days at Valparaiso, and during her stay two or three American whalers put into the harbor.So ignorant of fire arms were the enemy, that they had no idea of their power, often fighting until the muzzle of a musket was laid to their temples before the discharge.Already the Taeehs and Happahs were beginning to wonder at the delay, anderson boot camp death martin and rumors spread about the village that the whites were really the cowards for which the Typees took them.The Typees, who inhabited the interior of the island, were beginning to stir up strife against the Americans and Porter saw that their insolence must be crushed, or the whole native population would unite in war against him.This essential was soon discovered at Nookaheevah, where the ships cast anchor in a fine anderson boot camp death martin harbor, which Porter straightway dubbed Massachusetts Bay.