Why in thunder should you try to fuss me all up because my offer isn't couched in all the foolish, romantic, lace paper sort of flub dubbery that you think such an offer ought to be couched in? Eh? Fuss you all up, sir? protested the White Linen Nurse with real anxiety.My own stubborn will, my own hideous temper, all my own ill favored mannerisms mocked back at me eternally in her mother's ken bradshaw big wednesday unloved features.Why, for Heaven's sake, should I want to hold on to your skirt? he demanded peremptorily.A trifle mockingly the Senior Surgeon ken bradshaw big wednesday bowed his appreciation.Why, I think it would be grand! beamed the White Linen Nurse.There! ken bradshaw big wednesday That's done! he said tersely.And I didn't care! And I've been locked into my office three hours with a raving maniac and a dynamite bomb.A little defiantly as to chin, a little appealingly ken bradshaw big wednesday as to eye, he emptied his heart of its last tragic secret.Very slowly, very complacently, all around them April kept right on being April.Is it the whole idea that offends you? Or just the way I put it? 'General Heartwork for a Family of Two?' What is the matter with that? Seems a bit cold to you, does it, for a real marriage proposal? Or is it that it's just a bit too ardent, perhaps, for a mere plain business proposition? ken bradshaw big wednesday Yes, sir, said the White Linen Nurse.It's an established custom, you understand, he rewarned her.' 'Heartwork' was what ken bradshaw big wednesday I said.Why I was engaged, sir, almost as soon as I was born, and I stayed engaged till two years ago.Go ken bradshaw big wednesday where? lurched the Senior Surgeon.Lord! But I'm shaken! he apologized.