They will gradually do it on slighter and slighter occasions, until at last the rule will be disregarded entirely.In order to mark more definitely the times for communication I wrote, in large letters, on a piece of pasteboard, STUDY HOURS, and making infinite joy william finn a hole over the centre of it, I hung it upon a nail, over my desk.There is another view of the subject, which ought to be taken.Proper treatment may indeed be the means of their reformation, but before this process has arrived at a successful result, others similar in character will have entered, so that the teacher can infinite joy william finn never expect perfection in the operation of any of his plans.I shall, however, in another place, speak of this principle of interesting the pupils in our plans, for the purpose of securing a majority in our favor, and explain the methods by which the minority is then to be governed.I think it need not be so or rather, infinite joy william finn I think the evil may be avoided to a very great degree.The wisdom of the prudent is, to understand his way.Besides, continues the teacher, looking pleasantly, however, while he says it, if I knew, I think infinite joy william finn I ought not to tell you.To morrow we will make another effort, when we shall be more successful.And in a large and complicated school, the endless multiplicity and variety of objects infinite joy william finn of attention and care, impose a task under which few intellects can long stand.It of course will require some little time, and no little firmness, to establish the new order of things, where a school has been accustomed to another course but where this is once done, I know no one plan so simple and so easily put into execution, which will do so much towards relieving the teacher of the distraction and perplexity of his pursuits.My plan, continues the teacher, is this to allow you all, besides the recess, infinite joy william finn a short time, two or three minutes perhaps, every hour (or every half hour, according to the character of the school, the age of the pupils, or other circumstances, to be judged of by the teacher,) during which you may all whisper or leave your seats, without asking permission.