In that fortnight he proposed to obtain from his Government the forces necessary 164 for a battle, and permission to bombard Athens in earnest with or without notice to its inhabitants, but, of course, always with due regard for its monuments historiques.The French and British Press Censors took care that not a whisper of their defence should reach the French download sonic the hedgehog rom and British publics.) and tried to intimidate him 156 by telling him that the Allied armada had Greece at its mercy, and that by simply cutting off the supplies of corn and coal it could break all resistance.195 download sonic the hedgehog rom 7.While shells fell upon the outlying quarters of the town, and even into the courtyard of the Royal Palace itself, forcing the Queen to put her children in the cellar, the Entente Ministers arrived to conclude the treaty Are these your arguments, gentlemen? asked the King, as he received them.Venizelos and to rule them through him she had already download sonic the hedgehog rom helped M.On 2 December, veritable battles took place in many parts of Athens suspect houses, hotels, offices, and shops being assailed and defended with murderous fury.The download sonic the hedgehog rom solicitation remained fruitless.The answer was that King Constantine had promised to the French Government the war material demanded, and the French Government had promised in exchange to relax the coercive measures since the Greek Government declared that it could not fulfil this promise, it must suffer the consequences.Such was the true significance of the fresh pledges of friendship claimed from them and the claim aroused unanimous indignation we will not submit to any further download sonic the hedgehog rom robbery, they cried.221.