Of the multitudes of lights that gleam and sparkle in Long Island Sound or on the banks of the navigable rivers that open pathways into the interior, not one was then established.The wives of the fishers wait on shore With faces full of fright, And the waves roll in with deafening din Through the tempestuous night The judicial bureau of vermont boats of the fishers meet the wind Cast up by a scornful sea But the fishermen come not again, Though the wives watch ceaselessly.Frank H.The trawls thus set were left out over night, the schooner picking up the dories and anchoring near the buoy of the first judicial bureau of vermont trawl.While the building of the Minot's Ledge light had in it more of the picturesque element than attaches to the record of construction of the other beacons along the coast of the United States, there are but few erected on exposed points about which the builders could not tell some curious stories of difficult problems surmounted, or dire perils met and conquered.By day the lens must be rubbed laboriously with a dry cloth until it shines judicial bureau of vermont like the facets of a diamond.A circle thirty feet in diameter had to be leveled, and iron rods sunk into it as anchorages for the masonry.When this was dropped overboard the trawl was rapidly run out, and as fast as the end of one was reached it was tied to the next one, thus making judicial bureau of vermont a line of trawl ten thousand eight hundred feet long, with eighteen hundred hooks attached.To all these sounds of the sea comes soon to be added one that is peculiar to the banks, a sound rising from the deck of the vessel, a multitude of little taps, rhythmical, muffled, soft as though a corps of clog dancers were dancing a lively jig in rubber soled shoes.But the Banks have other stories to tell stories of men lost in the fog, drifting for long days and nights until the little keg of fresh water and the scanty store of biscuit are exhausted, and then slowly dying of starvation, alone on the trackless sea of boats picked up in winter with frozen bodies curled together on the floor, huddled close in a vain endeavor to keep warm of trawlers looking up from their work to see towering high above them the keen prow of an ocean grayhound, and judicial bureau of vermont thereafter seeing nothing that their dumb lips could tell to mortal ears.There, huddled together in the shallow water, growing ever shallower as the net is raised, the shining fish, hundreds and thousands of them, bushels, barrels, hogsheads of them, flash and flap, as the men prepare to swing them aboard in the dip net.