Margaret reached Berwick in her fishing boat at last, bearing these terrible tidings to her friends there.This was quite necessary for, although Henry had been nominally restored to the throne, his enemies were yet in the field in considerable force, and Margaret was dont falling in love quote very desirous of bringing with her the means of helping to put them down.The King of France said that he would be his surety, and he begged that Margaret would pardon Warwick, and receive him into favor for his sake, and for the great love that he, the king, bore to him.He was too near to allow her any chance dont falling in love quote of escape.Warwick had gone into the battle on foot, in order the more effectually to stimulate the emulation of his men, so that when, in the end, his forces were defeated, and fled, he himself, being encumbered by his armor, could not save himself, but was overtaken by his remorseless enemies and slain.We have, dont falling in love quote in the conduct of the Duke of Burgundy on this occasion, one single and solitary example, among all the Christian knights, and nobles, and princes that figure in this long and melancholy story of contention, cruelty, and crime, in which the Savior's rule, Forgive your enemies, do good to them that hate you, was cordially obeyed and what happy fruits immediately resulted to all concerned! How much of all the vast amount of bloodshed and suffering which prevailed during these gloomy times would have been prevented, if those who professed to be followers of Christ had been really what they pretended.After the ships entered the port, the space of a day or two was occupied in making preparations to land.The wind rose to a perfect hurricane, and no dont falling in love quote one expected that they could possibly escape.Her host made diligent though secret inquiries, but could gain no tidings.He also explained to her that he was one of her dont falling in love quote friends.Some obeyed him, and others did not.It was furthermore agreed at this time that Anne, the Earl of Warwick's daughter, who was betrothed to the prince, should be dont falling in love quote delivered to Queen Margaret, and should remain under her charge until the marriage should be consummated.But she found the bridge fortified, and in the possession of an officer under the orders of the Duke of Gloucester, who was a partisan of King Edward, and he refused to allow the queen to pass without an order from his master.After a while he returned within the lines again, apparently for the purpose of calling those who dont falling in love quote remained there to account for not obeying him.When Margaret saw this, and thought of the prince, exposed, as he was, to the most imminent danger in the defeat, she became almost frantic with excitement and terror.