One, led by Major W.June 17 might be said to mark the beginning of the real controversy between Pike and Hindman for, on that day, not only did Hindman reiterate the order to hurry that aroused Pike's ire but he encroached upon Pike's prerogative in a financial particular that was bound, considering Pike's first protective hurricane insurance experiences in the past, to make for trouble.You will see by General Orders, No.i, 229 Confederate Military History, first protective hurricane insurance vol.In reality, Furnas was endeavoring to hold the whole of the Indian country north of the Arkansas and south of the border.In the last expedition first protective hurricane insurance we had much annoyance for the want of accommodations of our own.At Cowskin Prairie, the scouts had to be called in, not because their work was finished, but because they and their ponies were no longer equal to it.John Jumper's first protective hurricane insurance Seminole Battalion, and Lieut.Subsequently he issued an order putting the command on half rations, declaring that he would not fall back, and refused utterly, upon my application, to take any steps for the safety or salvation of his command.With much of first protective hurricane insurance truth back of possible hatred and malice, the special agents reported that such protection as the white men had recently given Indian Territory would ruin any country on earth.