When no more men could be obtained, the voice of the commodore took a pleading tone.The enemy blockaded him, and he dared not accept environment forest government india ministry the challenge.At early dawn the jackies on the ships could see the slender form of their commander perched upon the craggy heights of one of the islands, called to this day Perry's Lookout, eagerly scanning the horizon in the direction of Malden.Long trains of heavily laden wagons and sledges wound their way across the State from New York or environment forest government india ministry Albany to the station at Sackett's Harbor.Then, with true chivalry, he determined that to his flag ship Lawrence, that had so stoutly borne the brunt of battle, should belong the honor of receiving the British captains, when they came to surrender their vessels.In planning the expedition, the great difficulty lay in getting rid of the environment forest government india ministry too numerous volunteers.Can any of the wounded pull a rope? said he and such was his ascendency over the men, that several poor mangled fellows dragged themselves on deck, and lent their feeble strength to the working of the guns.Shall I hoist it? Ay, ay, sir! cried the jackies, in unison and, as the flag was swiftly run environment forest government india ministry to the masthead, the cheers of the sailors on the deck of the Lawrence were echoed from the neighboring vessels, as the white letters showed boldly against the blue flag, bearing to each commander the exhortation, Don't give up the ship! The battle signal being thus displayed, the vessels moved onward to the attack.The name of this young officer was Oliver Hazard Perry, and a year later no name in American history carried with it more fame.The crew begged their commander to sit down, and make himself a less conspicuous target environment forest government india ministry for the fire of the enemy but Perry paid but little attention to their entreaties.