Her hands were soft with kindness.AN INQUIRY baking ingredients wholesale OF THE SEXTON.IV.Then added, turning grave from gay But you must promise, if I give, Your lover's office to baking ingredients wholesale resign, And stand no more 'twixt me and mine.He thought of Ruth as one who was at rest, And wept for her as though she was no more, And sometimes gathered flowers, and placed them where He knew she soon would pass, as tenderly As though he laid them down upon her grave.For if to day you wear it in your hair, When once again you come baking ingredients wholesale to walk the lane, I then shall know that you are truly mine, Willing to be my wife, and share my lot, And let me toil with you like any bee But if you do not wear it, then I shall care No more for anything but waste my life, A bee without a queen.You might have asked me to give back your Ruth, And I would not have minded but your game Lies deeper than a check upon the queen.AN ENEMY MAY BE SERVED, EVEN baking ingredients wholesale THROUGH MISTAKE, WITH PROFIT.The next day, Richard Wain, when riding past, Heard Ruth's bird voice trilling in the lane, And caught a glimpse of her between the trees, A picture, for an instant, in a frame.For long the slave baking ingredients wholesale had thought of liberty, And worshipped her, as in that elder time A tyrant's subjects worshipped, praying her That she would not delay, but hasten forth, And bridge the hated gulf 'twixt rich and poor, By freeing all the mass from ignorance, By lifting up the worthy of the earth, And making knowledge paramount to wealth.VI.His only treasure was a Testament Hid in the friendly opening of baking ingredients wholesale a tree.Yet in a few days he was forced to go And work beneath the intolerable sun, Picking the cotton boll, and bearing it In a rude basket, on his wounded back, Up a steep hill side to the cotton gin.He wept that this injustice should be done Yet knew that in God's hand the scale was set, baking ingredients wholesale And though His poor, down trodden, waited long, They waited surely, for His hour would come.Rebuked, the master stood before the slave, And Richard Wain passed on, nor knew his life Was saved by one that he had that day wronged.