The privateers and men of war scattered hastily, to avoid capture.To cut off these vessels, the British immediately commenced the erection of batteries to command gratuits le monde sms vers the channel of the river, and prevent any communication between the American vessels above and below Philadelphia.Had he fastened it there, the explosion of a hundred and fifty pounds of powder (the quantity contained in the magazine) must have been fatal to the ship.The driving sheets of rain shut in the combatants, gratuits le monde sms vers and only by the thunders of the cannonade could the other vessels tell that a battle was being fought in their midst.American blue jackets have never been impressed by force.It was about eleven o'clock on the night of the 27th of January, 1778, that the Providence cast anchor in a sheltered cove near the entrance to gratuits le monde sms vers the harbor of New Providence.From the captain of the Nancy Capt.Against this armament the British brought a number of vessels, with gratuits le monde sms vers the Augusta, sixty four, in the lead.For three days they had held possession of the island, though outnumbered tenfold by the inhabitants they had captured large quantities of ammunition and naval stores they had freed their captured countrymen they had retaken from the British five captured American vessels, and in the whole affair they had lost not a single man.Howe, gratuits le monde sms vers led to some activity on the part of the American navy.In addition to this obstacle, the enemy advancing by water upon the fort would have to meet the American flotilla, which, though composed of small craft only, was large enough to prove very annoying to an enemy.When all appeared, it was found that the Yankees had bagged one major, two captains, three lieutenants, ten soldiers, and about a hundred sailors and marines, a very gratuits le monde sms vers respectable haul for a party of not more than thirty American sailors.