After weary days of travel, without encountering any adventure of special interest, we reached the vast ridge of the Sierra Nevada mountains.Off we go around North dearinger san diego Beach.We spent our time here in strolling around the city, visiting the tabernacle, bathing and fishing in the river Jordan, which empties into the lake, and in making sundry purchases for the continuation of our journey to the Pacific.I was captain of dearinger san diego my men.It rises seventeen thousand feet above the level of the ocean, attaining an altitude two thousand feet above that of Mont Blanc, the monarch of the Alps.It was a sight I dearinger san diego shall never forget.The Cach.Our pack animals will carry from two to three hundred pounds dearinger san diego without any trouble.On, on we go, through a barren cactus country, till we reach the Mohav river.Having studied navigation while a boy at school, which is somewhat similar to surveying, it did not take me a great while to learn to adjust the instrument, or to take the variations at dearinger san diego night, on the elongation of the north star.Optical Illusion.But after a while everything dearinger san diego is ready for another start.My boys in the meantime were preparing for a fight.