A fierce wind swept the ocean and the land, and the sea ran so high that it was expected every moment the ship would go to pieces.During this time one hotmail email password hacking hundred of the Dutch were killed, one hundred and fifty were taken prisoners, and more than three hundred were deprived of house, clothes and food.With much dignity Governor Stuyvesant vindicated himself.All who were dissatisfied with these arrangements were hotmail email password hacking ordered to sell their property and leave the town.There was certainly something chivalrous in this prompt combination of the warriors not to allow, what they deemed the murder of a sister, to pass unpunished.A strong negro then hotmail email password hacking commenced lashing him with rods until his flesh was cut in pieces.Let a firm Quaker resolve that he will not do something, and let a Governor Stuyvesant resolve that he shall do it, and it is indeed Greek meeting Greek.He hotmail email password hacking dispatched a vessel and a land force, to capture the Swedish ship the Mercury, and bring it with all the passengers to fort Amsterdam.They had widely extended fields of grain.Prompt hotmail email password hacking and energetic action was necessary.After a few days' imprisonment he was chained to the wheelbarrow and commanded to work.